Elena Matamoro
2021-2023 MFA Institute Art Gender Nature HGK Basel FHNW, CH
2015-2019 Bachellor in Fine Arts. University of Vigo (Spain)
Exhibitions: . • 2023. May. 'Vibrations through listening' at BYOB Festival. Basel, Switzerland. • 2023. April. Exhibition at Casa Bulbo, Cultural Center. Lima, Perú
• 2023. February. ‘ Opus n6. En verde’. Fleisch Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
• 2023. February. ‘ Vibrations through listening’. Patio de luz Gallery. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
• 2022. December. ‘ Vibrations through listening’. UM Bio Contemporary restaurant. Basel, Switzerland
• 2022. December. Music composed for Susi Heinz’s installation ‘Xhydra’. Black Box. Basel, Switzland
• 2022. November. Music composed for ‘Materia’, Paloma Bôsque’s texts. Beyeler Foundation. Basel, Swizterland • 2022. November. ‘Opus 5. Studios from the ephemeral in nature and sound’. Beyeler Foundation. Basel, Switzerland • 2022. July. Art is a conflict. ‘The dreams of milk’. Carballo, Galicia, Spain.
• 2022. May. Mini Pavilion at the Biennale de Venezia. ‘The dreams of milk’. Venice, Italy.
• 2022. April. ACT Performance Festival. ‘Almost on the berge of collapse’. Biel, Switzerland.
• 2021. October. ‘Cables Pentagrámicos’. Palace of Culture during the CulturGal. Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain.