Eröffnungsausstellung des neuen Kunsthaus Baselland auf dem Dreispitz


Published on the occasion of the opening of the new Kunsthaus Baselland and the group exhibition Rewilding. With texts by Sophia Remer, Gerhard Mack and Hannes Nüsseler, as well as an interview with Andreas Bründler, Buchner Bründler Architekten and Ines Goldbach.

A free copy is available for you at reception.

240513 KHBL BZ Beilage PLUS in3 Korr 1
  • Editor
    Ines Goldbach, Kunsthaus Baselland
  • Editing
    Ines Tondar
  • Graphic Design

    Groenlandbasel, Dorothea Weishaupt und Sinja Steinhauser

  • Year
  • Lektorat Ilka Backmeister-Collacott Gesamtherstellung und Lithografie bz Basel
  • Price