L'univers de Germaine

Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick and Hipp Mathis


Germaine Winterberg is a master of storytelling — for example when she tells about her adventures in far-off lands or her non-conformist everyday life in Basel.

An art project based on oral history by Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick and Hipp Mathis

174 audio episodes
29 video episodes
1 video portrait
1 dance video

Here are 5 episodes to listen to during these exceptional days:

Episode: Ausbruch aus der Bürgerlichkeit

Episode: Zehn Gebote um überall gut zu schlafen

Episode: Wie halte ich mir aufsässige Männer vom Leibe

Episode: Eigenartige Geräusche

Episode: Erste Indienreise für die Boutique Indigo

Edition Germain Flyer
  • Graphic Design

    Iris Ganz

  • Year
  • ISBN
  • Price