Boris Rebetez

Common Tales


Boris Rebetez's work productively breaks with current ideas about functionality or linearity. Instead, a frame of reference opens up that conceives of constructed or designed reality as an arrangement of symptoms and signs—a resonant space, the totality and limitations of which can only be conceived through the viewer’s individual perspective.

With texts by:
Ines Goldach
Meredith Stadler
Adam Szymczyk
Reto Thüring
Philip Ursprung

Selected works 1992-2018

Boris Rebetez Common Tales
  • Editing
    NERO, Boris Rebetez
  • Graphic Design

    Ronnie Fueglister, Livia Benz, Alisa Strub

  • Publisher


  • Year
  • 28 x 21 cm, 188 pages, DE / EN
  • ISBN
  • Price
    CHF 28