Swiss Performance Art Award 2023

23.9.  —

Hoerler marc for heatfervor 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 1
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé
Willemse Tiran blackmilk 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 1
Tiran Willemse, blackmilk, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé
Baan Haefliger Bl O Wn 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 1
Joseph Baan & Luc Häfliger, BlOWn, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé
Rivera Cecilia Fiesta de la Reparación 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 2
Cecilia Moya Rivera, La Fiesta de la Reparación, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé
Wildberger Martina Sofie UN ON 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 2
Martina-Sofie Wildberger, UN ON, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé
Rochat Anne humus 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 3
Anne Rochat, humus, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé
Razavipour Neda Antifragility 2023 SPAA23 Karin Salathé 1
Neda Razavipour, Antifragility, 2023, Swiss Performance Art Award 2023, Kunsthaus Baselland, Photo: Karin Salathé

Project partners

Logo swiss performance art award
Logo AK 01 p
BL Logo AKU A g rgb
Bs Logo Kultur Pos
140619 logo Ville partenariat noir blanc positif
Kanton kulturfoederung swisslos sw
Logo Kulturfoerdeung SWISSLOS 1c
Logo ZH sw
Medienpartnerschaft bz

The Swiss Performance Art Award promotes a vibrant and diverse performance scene: the annual national competition is held in a different location each year and offers a platform with a wide audience. The Canton of Basel-Landschaft will host the Performance Art Award in 2023. The public competition, as well as a supporting programme, will take place at Kunsthaus Baselland. The Swiss Performance Art Award is a joint initiative of the Cantons of Aargau, Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Zurich, and the City of Geneva.

The seven nominated artists present their performances at Kunsthaus Baselland on Saturday, 23 September 2023. A five-person jury will select the recipient of the Swiss Performance Art Award 2023 based on the performances. The award is endowed with a price of 30,000 Swiss Francs. Additionally, an audience price of 6,500 Swiss Francs will be awarded. The award ceremony will take place at Kunsthaus Baselland on Sunday, 24 September 2023.

On 26 and 28 September, Kunsthaus Baselland will present a focus on performance art that honours the contributions of the nominated artists and provides them with an opportunity to introduce their performative practices to a wider audience. The programme is moderated by Jules Pelta Feldman.

Swiss Performance Art Award 2023

The Swiss Performance Art Award provides a space for people of different backgrounds, interests, and convictions. The responsible municipal and cantonal cultural institutions and the Kunsthaus Baselland stand for a culture of mutual respect and aim to create an atmosphere of acceptance. We reflect on mechanisms of exclusion and oppose all forms of discrimination.
We currently are in the middle of an ongoing institutional learning process for which we consciously engage with questions dealing with discrimination and take suggestions and criticism seriously.

Curator: Ines Goldbach and Eva-Maria Knüsel