World’s Rainbow

10.10.  —

«Next Generation»

Diplomausstellung Bachelor und Master Institut Kunst HGK FHNW

2021 Diplom 9005 JH
Lola Willemin, The person you called is unavailable; Jacob Ott, fire ages; Mariana Tilly, MEN CRYING: DISCO LOCKER ROOM; MEN CRYING TONY FROM SKINS; MEN CRYING: I'M NOT CRYING. Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9009 JH
Marlijn Karsten, Wind II; Joaquim Cantor Miranda, if it's not there today it'll be there tomorrow; Leah Nehmert, Something that holds Something else.Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9060 JH
Diogo Pinto, Santo Amar's bedroom view (after a painting by José Escada); Strof and Gitano under two cypress trees (after a painting by José Escada); Lotte Rose Kjaer Skau, Athlete_01; Athlete_02; Athlete_03; Untitled_black and brown; Pauline Coquart, POV I'm Your Boyfriend (We met on TikTok and now we're vlogging); Loving Everything For The First Time. Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9062 JH
Jeronim Horvat, FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt); Diogo Pinto, Santo Amar's bedroom view (after a painting by José Escada); Strof and Gitano under two cypress trees (after a painting by José Escada). Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9067 JH
Diogo Pinto. Escada's Gulbenkian; Lotte Rose Kjaer Skau Athlete_02; Athlete_03., Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9087 JH
Lotte Rose Kjaer Skau, Athlete_02; System_01.Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9105 JH
Mariana Murcia Arévalo, Everything from shells; Two sets of inland floeting devices; Mio Lena Itschner, another space of time. Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9116 JH
Gerome Gadient, magnitudes, tides and voices from the core(-horizon); Robert Finn Curry, River.Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9137 JH
Robert Finn Curry, River; Michael Ray-Von, In Excess of Playtime; Gerome Gadient, magnitudes, tides and voices from the core(-horizon).Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9145 JH
Gerome Gadient, magnitudes, tides and voices from the core(-horizon), Mio Lena Itschner, another space of time.Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom 9227 JH
Jennifer Merlyn Scherler, so sad so sexy. Installation view World’s Rainbow Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2021, photo: Jonas Huldi
2021 Diplom Lola Willemin 05901 jms
Lola Willemin, The person you called is unavailable, 2021. Installation view World’s Rainbow, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland, Kunsthaus Baselland 2021. Photo: Jennifer Merlyn Scherler
2021 Diplom Samuel Bron 05665 jms
Samuel Bron, Have you seen my snake?; Epic Fail, 2021. Installation view World’s Rainbow, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland Kunsthaus Baselland 2021. Photo: Jennifer Merlyn Scherler
2021 Diplom Sergio Rojas Chaves 05811 jms
Sergio Rojas Chaves, What does it take to win your love for me?. 2021, Installation view World’s Rainbow, Diplomausstellung Bachelor und Master Bildende Kunst, Kunsthaus Baselland 2021. Photo: Jennifer Merlyn Scherler

Nunmehr zum sechsten Mal findet die Abschlussausstellung des Institut Kunst im Kunsthaus Baselland als übergreifende, institutionelle Partnerschaft statt. Die Tatsache, dass dieses Projekt in einer für die zeitgenössische Kunst wichtigen Institution zu Gast ist, spiegelt ebenso die langjährige wichtige Zusammenarbeit der beiden Leiterinnen Chus Martínez (Institut Kunst) und Ines Goldbach (Kunsthaus Baselland) wider. Die Besonderheit dieses Moments in der Ausbildung von Künstler*innen wird ebenso deutlich durch die Einladung von Chus Martínez jeweils mit wechselnden prominenten Gastkurator*innen die Ausstellung zu kuratieren: Sie betont den Übergang vom betreuten Umfeld der Kunsthochschule zu den Herausforderungen der Karriere professioneller Künstler*innen. Um der aktuellen besonders schwierigen Lage der Kunstschaffenden Rechnung zu tragen und zugleich verantwortlich zu zeichnen, wurde die Ausstellungdauer verlängert.

Kurator*in: Claire Hoffmann, Kuratorin Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris und Chus Martínez, Leiterin Institut Kunst. Kuratorische Assistenz: Alice Wilke